
Kildare Town Educate Together and Covid-19

What are we doing to protect our school community

We are delighted to be back in school creating a sense of normality for our families and children. We are working hard to ensure that the children in our care and happy and safe. It is imperative at this time that we work together to ensure the safety of all. Below are the documents that outline our approach to school during the pandemic. Please come and talk to us if you have any concerns or have any feedback on any of the documents below.

Our Board of Management will continue to listen to the guidance of the HSE and the Department of Education and will communicate any changes in the plan directly to parents.


For more information to to

How to hand wash properly

Learn about hand hygiene and preventing the spread of coronavirus

COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Health advice for parents and children

Below are some useful links to help you and your child during covid 19 from how to explain it to your child and how to stay safe
Goverment health advice for children
Advice to young people while schools are closed
Coronavirus information for children and young people